Why is My Firestick So Slow? Reasons and Resolutions

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Why Is My Firestick So Slow

If you’re experiencing slow performance with your Firestick, there can be several reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons and resolutions to fix the issue:

  1. Low Internet Speed: One of the most common reasons for slow Firestick performance is a slow internet connection. If your internet speed is slow, the Firestick will take longer to stream content, and apps may take longer to load. To fix this, you can try upgrading your internet speed or optimizing your network for streaming.
  2. Full Storage: If your Firestick is running low on storage space, it can slow down its performance. To check the storage, go to Settings > My Fire TV > About > Storage. If you’re running low on storage, you can try deleting apps, clearing the cache, or moving files to an external storage device.
  3. Background Apps: If you have too many apps running in the background, it can slow down your Firestick’s performance. You can close the apps by pressing and holding the home button on your remote and selecting “Close All.”
  4. Overheating: Overheating can also cause your Firestick to slow down or crash. Ensure that your Firestick is placed in a well-ventilated area and not covered or blocked by other objects.
  5. Outdated Firestick or Apps: If your Firestick or apps are outdated, it can cause slow performance issues. Ensure that your Firestick and apps are up to date by going to Settings > My Fire TV > About > Check for Updates.
  6. VPN Connection: If you’re using a VPN connection, it can also cause slow performance issues. Try disconnecting from the VPN and see if the performance improves.
  7. Power Source: If your Firestick is not getting enough power, it can also cause slow performance. Ensure that your Firestick is connected to a power source using the provided adapter and cable.

By following the above resolutions, you can improve the performance of your Firestick and enjoy a smooth streaming experience.

How to Fix a Slow Firestick: Make it Faster and Responsive 

Making your Firestick faster is no rocket science, and you can do it with a few simple hacks. Below I have listed some tried and tested methods to make the Fire TV Stick lag less.

Restart the Firestick 

The easiest way to fix a slow Firestick is rebooting it. Restarting the device helps refresh the firmware, and you can expect it to run smoothly. There are two ways to reset the Firestick, i.e., soft reboot and hard reboot.

Related: Why Is My Download Speed So Slow? Reasons and Solutions

How to Soft Reboot a Firestick?

It does not require plugging out the device from your TV, and you can use the remote to reboot it. Below are some steps you need to follow to reboot the Fire TV Stick.

  • Get the remote and choose Settings (by clicking on the gear icon on the home screen)
  • Now select My Fire TV and then choose Restart
  • The Fire TV Stick will take a few minutes to reload. Wait for the screen to come back, and your Firestick will run smoothly.

How to Hard Reboot a Firestick?

Sometimes a soft reboot does not work, so I recommend a hard reboot. Plug out the Firestick from your TV, and wait for at least 30 seconds. Plug it back in, and wait for the screen to load. Once the screen appears, you can use the remote and watch your favorite content.

The rebooting hack usually works, but it may not if you are using old firmware or something else is wrong with the Firestick. Read on and try some other hacks listed in this article. 

Delete Unnecessary Apps and Free Some Storage 

Downloading many apps seems fun, but it can quickly take a toll on Firestick’s performance. Depending on the model, a Firestick has around 8 GB of storage space. Using too much internal storage will indeed cause the speed to take a dip.

You need to delete unnecessary apps that you do not use anymore. Here are the steps to delete apps from your Fire TV Stick.

  • Press the Home button and hold it for a few seconds. Now choose Settings and then go to Applications.
  • Select Manage Installed Applications, and scroll to find the apps you do not want anymore.
  • Choose the particular app and click on Uninstall. Select Confirm to delete it.

Do this for multiple apps since deleting a few will not boost the performance. Also, you can check the storage of the Firestick to figure out how much space is available. A Firestick running out of storage space will lag at times.

Clear Cache 

The cache issue can happen with any app, and the biggest challenge is finding the particular app that is slowing down your Firestick. Keep an eye on every app you use, and if you find it running slower than before, you need to clear its cache.

  • Tap the Home button, and click on Settings
  • Choose Applications and go to Manage Installed Applications
  • Select any app, and choose Clear Cache

There is one more option known as “clear data,” It clears the locally stored data such as the passwords and libraries. You can do this for the “n” number of apps that you want. You can also try clearing data for some apps to check if it helps fix the issue. 

Update to the Latest Firmware 

Amazon introduces updates for its Fire TV devices to protect the interface from malware, threats, and other issues. If you do not update the firmware, you can experience some lags when using a Firestick. 

The only solution is updating the latest Fire OS version, as it may have performance improvements. To update to the newest firmware, you need to:

  • Tap the Home button, and choose Settings. Now select My Fire TV, and wait for the menu to appear.
  • Choose About, and click on Check for Updates. If there is an update available, you’ll get an option to update the Firestick. 

If there is no update available, you are using the latest version. Here’s more on the different OS versions introduced for Fire TV accessories. 

Note: The update may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed. Wait for the Firestick to update, and do not plug it out if the interface hangs or lags. 

Reset the Firestick 

If updating the firmware does not help, resetting the Firestick surely will. Resetting erases all the data and apps you have installed on the Fire TV device, and you need to set it up again. Your Firestick will act as a new device, and you won’t experience any lags. 

  • Press and hold the Back button and the Right Side of the navigation circle for 12 seconds. 
  • On the screen, you’ll get an option to choose Factory Reset. Please select it and Confirm to reset the Fire TV device. 

Note: Resetting may take some time and require you to go through the initial setup process again. Follow the on-screen instructions, and you can set up the Firestick.

Disable Features You Don’t Use 

Is the Firestick still slow after the factory reset? The latest Fire OS comes loaded with many features, and some of them can cause it to slow down. You need to disable these features, and they run in the background, consuming storage and making the Fire TV device lag.

  • Press and hold the Home button for a few seconds. Now select Settings and choose Applications.
  • Select Collect App Usage Data and click on Turn Off
  • Now select Prime Photos and toggle off the Allow Guest Connections. You should also disable the Access Prime Photos feature. 
  • Choose the App Store, and disable the Automatic Updates (now you have to update the apps manually).

After going through the steps above, you need to restart the Firestick. I’ve tried this method, and it boosts the Firestick’s speed. 

Turning off Data Monitoring Helps 

Data monitoring is helpful when you are on a restricted network with limited bandwidth. But if you are using Firestick on your home network, you don’t need to monitor the data usage. Here’s how to disable it:

  • Press and hold the Home button. Select settings and then go to Preferences. 
  • Choose Data Monitoring and Toggle it off. 

You can either choose to restart the Fire TV device or use it. 

Does Jailbreaking a Firestick Make it Slow?

Jailbreaking a Firestick does not affect its speed, and if you are experiencing such issues, it could be due to multiple reasons. One of the common reasons is an outdated Fire OS. Some users with jailbroken Firesticks find it problematic to update to the latest OS.

As a result, they experience issues related to speed. You can try resetting the Fire TV device and check if it helps. Or uninstall the apps you don’t use anymore to make the Firestick work smoothly.


Q: How do you know when your Firestick needs to be replaced?

A: Firesticks are designed to last longer, and there will hardly be any chances when you should replace them. If the Firestick does not respond to the remote even after getting a new replacement remote, you can replace it. Also, if the Fire TV device heats up a lot, considering a replacement is a good idea.

Q: How often should you update your Firestick?

A: There is no rule of thumb for that, and you can update the Firestick as soon as Amazon rolls out a new Fire OS version. Firesticks also install an update automatically, so you don’t have to worry about that unless extremely necessary.

Q: Why is my firestick still slow after the factory reset?

A: Sometimes, the Firestick may still lag after a factory reset, and this is because of plenty of features active on your device. You need to turn off data monitoring and auto-app updates to fix the issue.

Wrapping It Up 

Now you don’t have to wonder, “why is my Firestick so slow” as the hacks listed in this article will make it lag less. I hope all the methods have helped you make the Fire TV device run correctly. 

Make sure you don’t have many apps installed on your Firestick because less storage can significantly contribute to the slow speed. Lastly, after watching it for hours, turn the Firestick off for some time. 

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