How to Protect Your Device from Malicious Software?

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Cyber warfare is getting more and more sophisticated every day, and malware poses one of the biggest threats to businesses. In fact, Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Report revealed that 28% of data breaches involved malicious software infiltrations! But don’t worry – if you understand what it is (and its different forms), how it works, and have a set plan for prevention in place…you can avoid these costly cyber intrusions altogether. Here we will analyze malicious software protection in detail using tools available to everyone.

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How to prevent malware attacks?

Avoiding cyberattacks isn’t an exact science, but there are methods you can use to identify and block malicious software from infiltrating your systems – safeguarding them against the threat of infection. Here are different ways to secure devices that are effective on their own, but work better together.

#1 Only use trusted antivirus

Protecting your computer, phone, or tablet from viruses has become a necessity in the technological age. While only 27% of Windows computers were unprotected as recently as 2017, many people didn’t go for reputable companies to protect them – choosing free applications instead. Popular antivirus software such as Kaspersky and Avast may cost more than their “free” counterparts but have established themselves among users with effective security threats recognition capabilities over the years; something not all ‘no-cost’ programs can offer. Ultimately it’s up to you: do you trust just any program enough to keep your device safe?

#2 Limit the use of the administrator account

To keep your computer safe, it’s important to take extra precautions when using an administrator account. Make sure all necessary logins are conducted with a non-administrator user type and limit administrative privileges to only crucial system tasks. Additionally, carefully verify any software you download before installing as admin – that way you can be assured the product is secure!

#3 VPN

It will be very useful for you to have VPN protection for any activity on the Internet. Including a good VPN from malware is quite effective, as the built-in protection algorithms analyze traffic and warn about dangerous data. Plus, you can hide your VPN from strangers so that no one knows if you use virtual private networks or not. A VPN like VeePN provides solid protection against malware but is also useful for preventing hackers from gaining access to your hardware. The service also offers a free trial version, so it is incredibly useful in everyday life.

#4 Control access to systems

Keep your networks secure with a few strategic steps! Firewalls, IDSs, and IPSs can provide an extra layer of protection against data breaches. Additionally, always be wary when working with drives or media used on accessible devices—they could have unwanted viruses lurking inside. Unused ports in protocols should also be closed off to avoid digital vulnerabilities while inactive user accounts are best removed as soon as possible so no one else gains access to them unexpectedly. Lastly, take time to read all software licenses before downloading – there may be hidden terms you’ll want to know about first!

#5 Configure regular scans

Antivirus software is a must-have for personal safety, yet shockingly nearly half of all Americans go without it. The repercussions of this can be dire as evidenced by the recent hack at Erie County Medical Center in New York and its resulting $44,000 ransom payment just to regain access to their own systems all because they lacked even basic antivirus protection! Don’t fall victim to leaving yourself or your data exposed – protect yourself today with some form of antivirus plan.

#6 Limit application privileges

Protect your business from hazardous hackers by limiting their access points. Streamline application privileges on devices, allowing only absolutely necessary features and functions because one open door is all it takes for a cyber attack to occur!

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#7 Educate your users

Protecting your business from malware requires more than just the latest technology; it needs human engagement, too. Education is key to keeping users vigilant and aware of potential risks posed by cybercrime like phishing or other malicious tactics. Help equip them with knowledge on best practices such as staying updated on cybersecurity trends and recognizing credible sites when browsing online – not only for their sake but yours as well! Additionally, encourage safe network use through secure networks & a VPN connection outside the office environment plus remind staff members to report any unusual system behavior immediately

#8 Always update your operating system

While the major software providers have their own antivirus defenses, they can not predict every potential exploit. Therefore, it is important to keep your operating system up-to-date and install any new patches released by security teams in order to protect yourself from malicious attacks caused by newly discovered vulnerabilities or zero-day exploits. Failure to upgrade could mean exposing your computer and data stored on it to malware threats you otherwise would be protected against with a newer version of an OS!


By following these 8 steps, you will be able to safeguard your systems and data from malicious attacks. Make sure that you update your operating system regularly, configure regular scans, control access to systems, limit application privileges, educate your users on cybersecurity best practices, implement a VPN connection for remote workers, and have antivirus protection in place at all times.

Related: What is a VPN and what does it do

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