The world of gaming has come leaps and bounds and grown exponentially in the last decade or so. With more and more people playing video games than ever before, it's no surprise that the industry is booming. A recent study found that as of 2017, over 2 billion gamers are active worldwide, and revenue from mobile games exceeded $40 billion. What does this mean for Amazon Prime members? It means that they can now stream their favourite video game on Twitch!
This article is for you if you're an Amazon Prime member and a Twitch streaming gamer.
Amazon announced last year about their plans to expand their Twitch on-demand video game streaming service to include members of the Amazon Prime program as well. With more than 100 million active users per month, it's clear that live broadcasting games are huge, and every major corporation wants a piece of the pie.
Table Of Contents
What Exactly Is Twitch Prime?
Twitch is a popular streaming service for video-games. They offer two types of subscriptions, monthly and annual. The latter includes ad removal on all channels as well as one free channel subscription per month which gives you access to additional non-gaming content such as cooking shows or anime episodes!. For most people, the topmost valuable benefit of an Amazon Prime membership is that it includes free Twitch channel subscriptions for your favourite streamer. You can re-subscribe again (for free) every month as long as you have an active Amazon Prime account linked to your Twitch account. You can't subscribe with Twitch Prime if you already have a paid subscription to your favourite channel.
What's Included With Amazon Prime and Twitch?
-One free monthly subscription on any of the channels that is part of the service (but not all, so don't assume). This includes both past broadcasts and live streams in real-time.
-A rotating selection of five games for download through its "Free Games with Prime" program. You get access to this collection at any point during the month, and there are no limits on how many times you can grab new titles from it as long as they're added to the rotation each month—you just need an active membership. That means you could always be playing something new without having spent any more of your hard-earned money
Link Your Twitch and Amazon Prime Accounts
In order to link Amazon Prime gaming with Twitch, first sign up for a Twitch account if you don't already have one. You can do this here:
Once you're signed in, follow the instructions below to connect your Amazon Prime and Twitch accounts. The process is straightforward with just a few clicks of the mouse button...
- Login into both your Amazon/Twitch account - Log out from either one of them (you'll need to log back in) - Click on "Link Accounts" on Twitch or go directly there by clicking here
If everything successfully linked together, then congratulations! Your channel will now be able to stream live video games through your favourite streaming service while still being part of the
How to Disconnect your Twitch Prime from your Amazon Prime?
It's also possible to disconnect your Amazon Prime from Twitch. Follow the instructions below:
- Login into both your Amazon/Twitch account - Log out from either one of them (you'll need to log back in) - Click on "Disconnect" on Twitch or go directly there by clicking here
If everything successfully disconnected, then congratulations! Your channel will no longer be able to stream live video games through your favourite streaming service while still being part of the program. If you want to reconnect again, follow these steps and start all over.
How to View Your Current Subscriptions
You'll be able to see all of the things you've been watching and exploring anytime, just by logging in!
To view your current subscriptions: - Log into Twitch (or sign up) - Click on "Watch" from your dashboard menu
- You will now have a list of what subscription channels you are currently following.
How To Link Amazon Prime to Twitch Using Android Smartphone?
- Log in to your Amazon Prime account through the Twitch app.
- You will be prompted with a pop up asking if you want to link an existing amazon prime account or start a new one. - Select "Existing" and log into your amazon prime accounts from this page by entering your email address, password, and two-factor authentication information (if enabled)
- If you have never linked an amazon prime account before, Youtube live streaming was turned off on January 15th, 2019! - Once logged in, click save after selecting "Yes, I'm sure." This concludes the steps for linking an Amazon Prime gaming & Twitch using Android Smartphone...
We hope this article has helped with any questions or confusions regarding these services. If not, please contact us for further assistance today!