Why Does my Firestick Keep Restarting: Reasons and Solutions

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Why Does my Firestick Keep Restarting

The Amazon Firestick is a popular device for streaming online content, but it can be frustrating when it keeps restarting. This issue can occur due to a variety of reasons, ranging from insufficient power supply to software glitches.

This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide for troubleshooting the Firestick restarting issue. Whether you’re a seasoned Firestick user or just getting started, this guide will help you quickly and easily resolve the issue, so you can get back to enjoying your favorite content.

Here is How to Fix a Firestick that Keeps Restarting:

  1. Insufficient power supply: Ensure that your Firestick is properly connected to a power source and that the power source is functioning properly.
  2. Overheating: The Firestick may restart if it overheats, so try unplugging the device for a few minutes to let it cool down.
  3. Software issues: The Firestick may restart if there are software problems, so try restarting the device or uninstalling and reinstalling the app, causing the issue.
  4. Network connectivity issues: If your Firestick is unable to connect to your home network, it may restart. Try resetting your modem and router or disconnecting and reconnecting to your Wi-Fi network.

Read on for more details and troubleshooting protocols.

Reasons Why Your Firestick Keeps Restarting 

The Firestick restarting issue is not new, and many users have reported it to date. Also, there isn’t just one or two but a variety of reasons why the device reboots intermittently, leaving you frustrated. Below you’ll find the primary reasons that cause the Firestick to restart.

Related: How Does a Firestick Work? All You Need to Know

You Haven’t Updated It 

Amazon rolls out newer Fire OS updates to improve their user’s watching experience. However, if you don’t update to the latest OS, you may experience issues, including a Firestick that restarts every few minutes. 

You Aren’t Using the Stock Cable 

Fire TV Sticks come with a stock HDMI cable for easy connectivity, and some users don’t use it because of its short length. Using a third-party cable, your Firestick may restart multiple times.

Related: Can You Watch Apple TV on Firestick? Yes, And This is How

There’s a problem with the TV’s HDMI port. 

This isn’t a prevalent issue but can happen if you plug and unplug the Firestick multiple times. The TV’s HDMI port can become a little loose for the Firestick, and it’ll restart.

The Firestick is Damaged 

A damaged Firestick will also reboot. There are small pins in the Firestick’s HDMI port, and if any of these pins get damaged, the Fire TV Stick may restart repeatedly, or you can experience some other issues. 

You Haven’t Plugged It in Correctly. 

Not plugging in the Fire TV Stick correctly can also lead it to restart. 

Related: How to Connect Firestick Remote to a TV: A Quick Guide 2023

Quick Solutions to Prevent the Firestick from Rebooting 

The good news is that fixing the restarting issue is not as complex as you think. Here I have listed some tried and tested methods I had tried on my Firestick when it started restarting intermittently.

Check all Connections 

Start with checking all connections. If you are not using the stock HDMI cable, you should use it. Also, plug out the Firestick, clean its HDMI port, and plug it back into the TV. Inspect the Fire TV Stick for any damages, and you are good to go.

Change the HDMI Port or the TV 

As discussed, the HDMI port of your TV can be faulty sometimes, and the Firestick will keep on restarting if it is not fixed. Modern TVs come with multiple HDMI ports so that you can plug the Fire TV device into another port. 

If the issue persists, you can try changing the TV. Plug the Firestick into some other TV, and try again. 

Update the OS 

You need to update the OS if the second method does not help. Generally, this issue is not very common, even when using an old OS version, but it may happen sometimes. Below you’ll find the steps to update the Fire OS quickly.

  • Get the remote and press the Home button. Find the Settings option on the screen and click on it.  
  • Select My Fire TV, and click on it. If you use an old OS version, you’ll see System or Device instead. 
  • Now choose About, and click on Check for Updates. This may take a few minutes as the Firestick will search for the latest OS. 
  • Choose Install Update, and your Fire TV Stick will automatically update to the latest OS. You’ll be able to see the Fire OS version on the right side of the screen. 

The Firestick will restart automatically after downloading the new OS version, and the entire setup process can take some time. Wait patiently; you can start watching your favorite content once the screen appears.

Restart the Firestick 

Restarting the Firestick is the easiest way to refresh and make it work. There are two ways to restart the Firestick that I’ve listed below. You can follow any of them to refresh the device and eliminate the issues you are experiencing.

  • Hard Reboot 

The hard reboot requires you to plug out the Firestick and plug it back in. Wait for around 30 seconds so that the Firestick refreshes automatically. Once plugged in, the device will take some time to load.

  • Restart in Settings 

The Firestick has a built-in feature that refreshes it. Press the Home button, and go to Settings. Now scroll to My Fire TV and select it. You’ll get an option to Restart the Firestick. 

Reset the Firestick 

 If restarting and other methods do not help, you can try resetting the Firestick. Resetting helps clear the entire data and other stored information on the Firestick, causing the Rebooting issue. Follow these steps to reset the Firestick:

  • Press the Home button and choose Settings. 
  • Next, select My Fire TV or Device using an older Fire OS version. Then, scroll down and find Reset to Factory Defaults. 
  • Select this option, and click on Reset. Your Fire TV device will reset, which may take 10-15 minutes.

Note: Resetting the Firestick will wipe off the entire data. All the apps, stored content in libraries, and other stuff will be deleted. 

Why Does My Firestick Keep Freezing? And What to Do About It?

Many users have reported the freezing issue in Fire TV Stick, mainly due to an outdated OS. If you don’t update the Fire OS for a long time and the Firestick does not automatically update it, you may experience this issue.

The quick solution is to update the Fire TV Stick to the latest Fire OS. Furthermore, you can do a hard reboot and see if it helps fix the issue. If the problem persists, try using the Firestick on some other TV. You can also contact Amazon to seek assistance if the Firestick freezes even after updating and restarting it.

How Can I Get a Faulty Fire Stick Fixed?

There is no way to fix a faulty or damaged Firestick; the only solution is getting a new one. Yes, you get a warranty on the Fire TV Stick, but that does not cover any damages. 

Why Does my Firestick Keep Rebooting FAQs

Q: What does it mean when your Fire Stick keeps restarting?

A: When the Firestick keeps on restarting, it means something is wrong with the software, or you have not plugged it properly. Ensure to update the OS to the latest version and plug the Firestick properly to prevent it from restarting.

Q: Should I unplug Firestick when not in use?

A: No, you should not unplug the Firestick if you are not using it. Plugging and unplugging multiple times can damage the HDMI port, which is not a great deal. Use the different HDMI ports of your TV for connecting other devices. 

Q: Why does my Firestick keep kicking me out of apps?

A: This could be due to many reasons, including old Fire OS, less availability of storage space, and more. First, restart your Firestick and wait for some time. If the issue is still there, you can consider deleting a few apps you don’t use. Resetting the Fire TV Stick should be the last resort if nothing works.

Q: Why does the Amazon Firestick turn off by itself?

A: If the Firestick turns off by itself, it can be due to power issues. Sometimes the Firestick doesn’t get power from the HDMI port. As a result, it turns off. Make sure to plug the Firestick properly and use it with a different HDMI port if one doesn’t work.

Q: How do you know when your Firestick needs to be replaced?

A: There is no such specific time to replace a Firestick. However, if you stop getting updates for the Fire OS, you can consider switching to a newer version. Go to Settings, and click on About. Now, choose to Check for Updates.

Final Thoughts 

Now that you know why your Firestick keeps restarting and the solutions to fix it, you can bid goodbye to this problem. Constantly update to the latest OS, and only download the apps you use to keep the storage space from getting full. 

Also, use the stock connecting cable; do not plug the Firestick in and out multiple times. 

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