Hoverboards go way back in 1967 as an imaginary levitating board created by M. K. Joseph. Eventually, this contraption materialized as a floating device used by Marty in the popular movie ‘Back to the Future Part II’.
Using a hoverboard gives unique freedom and joy as you reach maximum speeds. The device is easy and fun to use, and functional at the same time.
There’s no magic formula to riding it, too! With just a few practice runs and learning the controls, a hoverboard or a self balancing board could give you the functionality of a skateboard and scooter (minus the handles) in one.
Other people don’t just use a hoverboard for recreational activities. It’s also an eco-friendly means to get around without the pollution. You see them using a hoverboard going to the gym, shopping, campus, work, and the list goes on and on.
It is also cost-effective and helps you save gas money. It can travel for hours on a single charge. Today, there’s still a high demand for these with features suitable for specific age groups.
But does this ‘awesome’ gear have the speed? I mean, is it faster than your basic scooter? Bicycle? Your grandmother?
Is it a worthy investment of your limited resources? Well, it depends on the type you’re going for.
What’s the speed of a hoverboard? The shortest answer is 4 to 13 mph.
But that’s not all there is.
Speed is a crucial factor in choosing a quality hoverboard aside from speaker, rubber guards, shells, and LED’s. But its speed will depend on other parameters such as weight, electric motor power output, design, battery quality, wheel size, and brand.
Your weight also contributes to your hoverboard’s speed. Given your agility (or lack of it), its speed could increase as you shift weights similar to using a skateboard. And lastly, a hoverboard works best on flat and smooth pavements.
Don’t expect much using on it rough or slope terrains.
‘Learn to walk before you run’ is a good place to start. If you’ve never ridden a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard, chances are you will need to start working on your balance. As mentioned prior, weight is a crucial factor in gunning top speed.
Some hoverboards are equipped with a ‘new rider’ feature that controls your speed with heightened responsiveness. This is a good way to save yourself from the embarrassment of ‘accidentally’ hitting maximum speed and falling flat on your face. Oh, the trauma!
After you’ve mastered the learning mode, you can switch to higher levels such as standard or advanced mode. Of course, you have to research first for models with these kinds of features.
While a self-balancing board or scooter can cover at least 6 miles per hour, its speed will vary based on the following scenarios:
- Terrains with upward inclines
- Flat and smooth pavements (ideal place for using hoverboards)
- Paths with patches of grass or gravel
- Terrains with downward inclines (may cause the hoverboard to reach higher speeds with fewer break controls)
Steps to Mounting a Hoverboard
- Think safety first
Preparation should help you anticipate the worst things that could happen should you fall off. You need to secure first your tailbone protector, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist pads. Remember, most hoverboards go up to 10 miles per hour so this can cause injuries, scrapes, and sprains when you fall off.
- Look for a flat and smooth surface to place your hoverboard
For beginners, the best terrain to practice is on even and smooth ground. Once you get the hang of this, you can practice on uneven terrain where good balance is needed.
- Using one foot, step onto the hoverboard
Use your dominant foot to mount. For beginners, this step might take time. Hoverboards are highly responsive to pressure so anytime your foot presses into the board, it starts to move. Take time to get familiar with the hoverboard’s mounting and pressure responsiveness.
- Step the other foot into the board
Spread your feet as far as possible across the mounting board. A wide stance should help you get your balance as the gear starts moving. Try to balance with your weight. You will feel uncomfortable and tense at first. Just relax and work on keeping a normal standing position as possible.
Steps on Riding a Hoverboard
After you have mastered mounting it, it’s time to move your hoverboard. As mentioned, the speed controls of your hoverboard work by leaning or shifting weights on your ankles. Be warned that this device is highly sensitive to shifts in weight.
If you’re leaning too far, chances are you’d fall off your board due to imbalance.
On moving forward
Bend a little bit forward but don’t go beyond the waist. Most of the shifts in weight take place on your ankles.
Turning your hoverboard
This function works by using your toes. Push the right toe on the board if you want to take a left turn. Push your left toe if you want to take a right turn.
This step may need a little more practice. These pressure-sensitive boards may cause sharp turns with excessive pressure. Beginners should focus on their balance first as the hoverboard moves. Once you get the hang of it, you can proceed taking sharper turns.
Intermediate to pros push their toes in one board and their heel on the other to move it in a circle. Of course, this will require more practice on your end.
Dismount your hoverboard
After practicing, dismount your hoverboard in reverse of the mounting sequence. Your dominant foot should hold more weight while you step down using the other foot. This could get confusing at first but as they say, ‘practice makes perfect’.
Congratulations! You can finally mount, move, and dismount a hoverboard with ease. But before you get too excited to shop, it’s best to look into laws allowing the use of hoverboards in public places. Most accidents and injuries also happen when you use it during heavy rains. This tends to cover potholes and if you’re unlucky, you’re never too far away from that sprain. Ride with caution and be nice to other people when you use this in public places. They are in a hurry, too!
If you haven't already, check out our review of top hoverboards available in the market today in this article