Why Is My Dyson Pulsing And How to Fix It

dyson vacuum pulsing

Key Takeaways

  • There are a number of possible causes of the pulsing in a Dyson vacuum – a malfunctioning power cord, battery or charger, clogged filter, damaged motor, or obstructed hose or wand.
  • It’s important to troubleshoot all the possible causes of pulsing in your Dyson vacuum cleaner.
  • Damaged parts of your Dyson may require replacement with new ones.

Suppose you’ve noticed your Dyson vacuum cleaner pulsing or surging while in use – you’re not alone! This issue can be frustrating and may cause you to question the effectiveness of your vacuum cleaner. Here, we will explore the possible causes of this issue in Dyson vacuum cleaners and provide tips on how to fix it.

Why Is My Dyson Pulsing & How to Fix It

Follow these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check Your Power Cord

A malfunctioning power cord could cause your Dyson vacuum to start pulsing. That can happen if the cord is damaged or frayed, which could cause an intermittent power supply to the vacuum. Therefore, it may need to consistently deliver enough electricity to the vacuum motor, resulting in pulsing behavior.

  • Clogged Filter

If the filter in your Dyson vacuum cleaner becomes clogged, it can cause the vacuum to start pulsing or lose suction. The clogged filter prevents the vacuum’s airflow from functioning properly. The vacuum’s motor may struggle to draw in enough air to maintain normal operation, which can cause pulsing or loss of suction.

Solution: You will need to clean or replace the filter to fix this issue.

To clean the filter, remove the filter from the vacuum and either wash it with water and mild detergent or tap it gently to remove any debris. Let the filter dry completely before putting it back in the vacuum.

If the filter is damaged or soiled, you may need to replace it with a new one. You replace it by locating the filter compartment and removing the old filter. Then, insert a new filter into the compartment and close it securely. Purchase replacement filters from a vacuum cleaner parts retailer.

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  • Obstructions In The Hose Or Wand

If an obstruction is present in the hose or wand of a Dyson vacuum, it can cause the vacuum to start pulsing. Obstruction blocks the flow of air through the hose and wand, which can cause a pressure build-up. As a result, the vacuum may start pulsing as it tries to clear the obstruction and restore normal airflow.

Solution: To fix this problem, you must locate and remove the obstruction. Check the hose and wand for visible blockages, such as debris, pet hair, or other foreign objects. If you find a blockage, try using a hose brush or similar tool to clear away any obstruction that may be stuck inside the hose.

  • Debris Stuck In The Brushroll Roller

Debris can cause the roller to stop rotating properly. This hindrance can cause the vacuum to pulse or lose suction, as the roller won’t agitate the carpet.

Solution: To fix this issue, you’ll need to remove the debris that is stuck in the brush roll by following these steps:

  • Turn off the vacuum and unplug it from the outlet.
  •  Locate the roller and remove any debris that may be visible. That may require using a pair of tweezers or a small tool to pull out the debris.
  •  If the debris is not visible, you may need to remove the brush roll to access it.
  • Once you have removed the debris, reassemble the brush roll and test the vacuum to ensure it is functioning properly.

  • Incorrect Suction Settings

Suction settings set too high can cause your vacuum to pulse or lose suction. That is because the motor works too hard to generate enough suction. Therefore, the airflow through the vacuum becomes disrupted. It can also damage the motor or other parts of the vacuum. On the other hand, if the suction settings are too low, the vacuum may not effectively pick up dirt and debris from the floor.

Solution: To fix this, it’s essential to ensure that the suction settings on your Dyson vacuum are set appropriately for the task at hand. You can adjust it using the suction control lever or button on the vacuum’s handle.

  • Check Your Battery Or Charger

A battery or charger malfunctioning can cause your Dyson vacuum to pulse or turn off unexpectedly. That happens if the battery does not give the device the necessary power. Various issues, such as a damaged or faulty battery and charger or problems with the electrical connections between the battery and the charger, can also cause it.

Solution: If the Dyson vacuum is pulsing, it is essential to stop using it and unplug it from the charger. You also need to check the battery and charger for any visible signs of damage or wear. These include cracks, bulges, or bent or broken connectors. If you suspect that the battery or charger is the cause of the problem, you may need to replace it to resolve the issue.

  • Malfunctioning Motor

The motor is responsible for powering the suction and brush roll, so if it is not functioning correctly, it can cause the vacuum to pulse or surge as it tries to operate. That can be caused by various issues, such as a damaged or worn-out motor, a malfunctioning motor control board, or a blockage in the motor or the vacuum’s airflow path.

Solution: To fix the pulsing issue, you will need to diagnose and address the underlying cause of the malfunctioning motor. It may involve cleaning or replacing the motor and repairing or replacing the motor control board. You can also remove any
blockages in the vacuum’s airflow path.

Why Is My Dyson Pulsing (FAQs)

  • Why is my Dyson v7,v8, v10, v11 pulsing on and off? 

There could be several reasons why your Dyson is surging on and off. It could be a problem with the motor, the filters, or the electrical system. To determine the cause of the issue, it will be necessary to troubleshoot the problem using the tips we have given above.

  • How Do I Stop My Dyson From Pulsing? 

Ensure the filter is clean and properly installed to stop your Dyson from pulsing. Additionally, try removing any blockages in the airway and check for any kinks in the hose. You also need to check the motor and suction setting to ensure the optimal functioning of the machine. Follow the troubleshooting tips listed above. 

  • Dyson Pulsing No Blockage 

There could be a few reasons your Dyson vacuum cleaner is pulsing with no blockage. Here are a few possible explanations:

  • The filter may be clogged or dirty. Check to see if the filter needs to be cleaned or replaced.
  • The brush roll may be stuck or damaged. Check if the brush roll is rotating freely and if there are any visible signs of damage.
  • There may be a problem with the motor or the battery. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, the problem may be with the motor/battery. Ensure the motor is working and replace it if not.

  • Dyson Pulsing After Cleaning Filter 

If your Dyson vacuum is pulsing even after cleaning the filter, it may be because the filter is not set correctly or is clogged with debris. To fix this issue, try reseating the filter and cleaning it thoroughly to remove any blockages. Also, try troubleshooting for other potential causes, as discussed above.

  • Why Is My Dyson Pulsing On Max? 

Your Dyson vacuum cleaner may be pulsing on max because of the high suction setting. You can lower the suction or check for blockages to troubleshoot the issue. Also, ensure that the brush bar is not stuck or damaged. Ultimately, the machine could detect a low battery and is trying to conserve power by pulsing.

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